Preparing for Publication

Interior Formatting And
Layout Services


Tier 1
$150 - $300
  • For all black and white manuscripts, no bleed, few images, and a straightforward layout.


Tier 2
$350 - $500
  • For manuscripts that may require bleed, color, lots of images and other complex elements.

Formatting concept...

How we roll!

Our interior formatting style relies on clean and simple concepts. Getting too fancy will merely distract the reader. The most important part of your book are your words, so the formatting should be clean and simple, easy to follow, easy to read, and not distracting at all from your message. Elegant might be a good goal, but not fancy.

Formatting and Layout Examples

Get Started! Fill out the form below...

*** Publishing Questions ***

Is it a novel, a biography, a devotional, a self-help book, and so on...
Check all that apply.
Check all that apply.
(Check all that apply.)
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique number required for all formatting versions of your book except for kindle. Some places, such as Amazon’s KDP, will give you one.

*** Paperback and Hardback Formatting Questions ***

*Most common trim sizes. Not all trim sizes can accommodate both paperback and hardback. If you want both, pick a trim size that accommodates both.
This is not the cover, only the interior. Color increases print costs.
A bleed is color or ink that comes to the edge of a page and so must be formatted to compensate.
11 and 12 are standard.
These are all serif fonts, which are best for print books. E-books use their own fonts.
This is the white space around each page. Half inch is standard.
Only the title page and copyright page are necessary, so only check those that you have or that you want included.
You don't need any of these in particular, so only check those that you have or that you want included.
Choose one for your book. We can do other combinations if you wish.
List anything you wanted to add from the "Other" selections checked above that you feel is important.
Check all that apply.
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