Christian and Professional
Our Editors
service with a smile
Meet Our Team
Our editors are all professing, born-again Christians who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior. This is where we start. We are, first and foremost, Christians.
Whether you are a published author or just finished your first work, you need an experienced editor who can polish your story and prepare it for publication. For most people, having a published work is a dream come true. Some of our editors are also published authors, and we know how good it feels to see our work in print. We also know how essential a good editor is to the process. This is where our team comes in.
We are freelance Christian editors who specialize in Christian themed works. Editing is a ministry for us. We are of the mindset that there is not enough Christian literature available and we want to see that change. After all, as Christian authors, you have a message. You have something to say. Better than that, though, you have biblical and spirit-filled answers––real answers to real problems. Our goal is to help Christians get their message into the hands of those who would most benefit from it. Editing is part of that process.
Here at Affordable Christian Editing, we make sure your message isn’t lost in the text.
Christ-Centeredness is a way of life!
A bit about The Editors
Greg and Liberty Baker
Greg and Liberty started Affordable Christian Editing in 2010. Greg and Liberty are both authors and editors. Greg is also a dedicated Christian, husband, father, and former pastor for 13 years in Colorado. He has a passion for the written word, and he often likes to refer to himself as a word-smith. He is known for a variety of published works, all of which can be found on his personal website:
In addition to several books, he and Liberty have written hundreds of articles for a variety of publications around the country, including Christian Womanhood, the Christian Examiner, and others. Together, Greg and Liberty have striven to develop a platform for Christian authors where their works can be lifted up and bring honor to the cause of Christ.
Editing is an essential aspect to this vision, and they strive to give each author the tools they need to present their message for the glory of God.

During the editing process, Liberty used MS word Track Changes. She walked me through the process. We communicated through email. Liberty always responded in a timely manner. Copy and content editing are both important. However, I feel that Liberty’s content editing skills are exceptional. I appreciated her ability to understand my book’s concepts and strategies. She was able to highlight areas, in the text, that might present problems for future readers.
This was my first book and was a humbling experience. Liberty was able to present corrections and problem areas in a professional yet non-discouraging manner. I believe that Affordable Christian Editing is a great value with respects to quality of work and pricing.

Linda Stubblefield
Linda Stubblefield is married to David Stubblefield, the academic dean at a Christian college in Indiana. They are the parents of two adult married daughters.
When Linda entered the fourth grade, her teacher cultivated in her a love of reading by bringing her selected books. From her love of reading blossomed a love for words and writing. She attended a university majoring in education with a minor in English. As a junior, Linda transferred to a Christian college and graduated with a BS in education.
Since 1976, Linda has worked with a Christian ladies’ magazine in various capacities, including holding the position of assistant editor since 1990. As the assistant editor, she edited and proofed every article for content and clarity. Her work extended to the arena of books, and since 1990, she has assisted in the publishing of more than 1000 books for more than 100 authors. The majority of her work on these books has focused on proofreading, editing, research, design and layout.

Angie Zachary
Angie Zachary currently resides in San Diego, where her husband of 40 years serves as an assistant pastor. The Zacharys have three married children and enjoy visiting their ten grandchildren as often as possible.
Angie has worked as a freelance editor and proofreader since 1981. During her tenure as an executive assistant to the senior pastor in two different mega-church ministries between 1997 and 2014, her responsibilities included daily proofreading tasks that encompassed a wide variety of content from websites to ministry print materials to books authored by her employers and their associates.
Angie’s passion for excellence is the guiding force behind her work, and it is her desire to assist authors in reaching others with their message through clearly written and professionally crafted materials that bring honor to the name of Christ.

Holly Crawshaw
Holly has spent the last fifteen years in the publishing industry as a writer, editor, and manuscript coach. Having worked with publishing houses like HarperCollins, Baker Books, Orange, and Fedd Books, Holly combines her professional experience with her personal passion to help others to tell their story to produce proven, award-winning projects.
Holly’s specialties include macro/substantive editing, book proposals, and ghostwriting. Although most of Holly’s publishing experience has been in Christian non-fiction, she has also worked on devotionals, devotional journals, and group curriculum for preschool-aged kids, elementary-aged kids, middle and high school students, and adults.
After accepting Christ at eight-years-old, Holly continues to learn something new about His infallible character and profound love through every project and each client. Holly believes God wants to use every story—regardless of how messy—to draw glory to Himself and others to a growing faith of their own.
In her free time, you can find Holly hanging out with her three daughters, eating sour candy, and laughing at her own jokes.

(Good Morning America, The View, World News Now)

Kelly Freestone
Kelly lives in Florida with her husband, Norman, and their three kids: Caleb, Samuel and Hannah
Kelly has loved writing ever since she wrote her first story at nine years old. She writes what God lays on her heart transparently on social media. Her mission is to help people understand that the daily struggles in life can lead us directly back to our Father, where there’s rest, love and peace. When readers say, “Me too!”, it touches her soul. She has written a variety of books that may be published one day. One work is a spiritual growth book called Come and Rest, another is a women’s fiction novel called Her Unsent Letters, and Princess Hannah for primary readers.
Kelly is a work at home mom, a homeschooler, and has recently earned her Bachelor’s in English from The Baptist University of Florida. She has chosen to use her writing and editing skills to further the Kingdom of God and help Christians spread the Word through literature.

Bethany Baker
Bethany received a profound love for reading at a young age. Learning to love history from her dad and literature from her mom has taught her to embrace the written word. Her passion to read has led her to enjoy autobiographies, historical fiction, devotionals, and whatever else captures her attention.
While growing up in a Christian home, Bethany was saved at the age of thirteen after reading and trusting God’s promises in the Romans Road. A few years later at a youth conference, she surrendered her life to God’s will. Since then, Bethany has experienced the many blessings that come with serving Jesus, such as seeing others receive Christ on her bus route and traveling the world on missions trips.
Bethany is a recent Bible college graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education. She has tutored English and helped her church with multiple writing and editing projects. Through this, she has learned how powerful words can be. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Bethany’s desire is to help authors give life through the power of their words, so they can further uplift the name of Christ.
I've been editing now for nearly twenty years and feel that Bethany will soon be among the best. I highly recommend her.

Rena Fish
Rena Fish is married to her sweetheart, Mike Fish, a faculty member at a Christian college where they both teach English Composition and other related courses, including Editing and Proofreading. The Fishes have been blessed with three children.
After graduating from college with a bachelor’s degree in secondary education with an English proficiency, Rena also earned her master’s degree and began teaching English. She has taught English for almost 30 years. Along with providing instruction for her students, Rena has worked as an editor and proofreader for many different authors of both magazine articles and books. Over the years she has written many articles for publication as well as worked extensively with both academic and business writing.
As a teacher, Rena stresses to her students the power behind their words and the importance of excellence as they represent Christ. As an editor and proofreader, Rena has a strong desire to help others pass on the truths that God has placed in their hearts.

Jessica Marshall
Jessica Marshall is a writer and editor from Stillwater, Oklahoma. She grew up as an evangelist’s kid, traveling the United States (and seven foreign countries) with her parents and nine siblings in a 40-foot MC8 Greyhound bus. From her perch at the bus window, she observed people and fell in love with nature’s beauty.
At a youth camp one summer when she was a young girl, she accepted Christ as her Savior. At the age of twelve, she dedicated her life to God’s service at another camp her family attended.
For fourteen years, Jessica was the communications coordinator for her family’s ministry–writing blog posts, outbound emails, and managing promotional materials. She attended Pensacola Christian College, where she graduated with a B.A. in English with a concentration in professional writing.
She loves hearing people’s stories and telling them in creative ways. Some of her stories appear in The Global Baptist Times, where she works as a volunteer writer and editor. She has also been published in Answers in Genesis.
One of Jessica’s passions is to help Christians publish books that influence today’s culture. She has been editing and proofreading for six years. In her work with authors, she seeks to find a balance between polishing the work and maintaining the writer’s true voice.
In her spare time, she teaches private music lessons and tutors students in English and Creative Writing. She’s learned to adapt to Oklahoma’s wild tornadoes and poisonous spiders, and now drinks her coffee like a true cowboy: black. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s soaking in the beautiful Oklahoma sunsets.